This article guides you through booking a telenutrition visit as an Aetna or United Health Care (UHC) insured Salesforce employee.
These steps only apply to Aetna or UHC insured employees.
Internet browser (mobile or desktop)
1. Follow this link,
2. Select Get Started.
3. Choose your state.
Note: You must select the state you'll physically be in at the time of your virtual visit. This ensures you'll be scheduled with a provider whose licensed in that state.
4. Select your visit type.
5. Choose a provider and an available appointment time.
6. Complete the member and contact detail forms.
7. When asked, "Is your visit covered by insurance or your employer?", select "Yes, by my employer," and then choose "Salesforce."
*Be sure to select your insurance company as Salesforce Employee - Aetna Member or Salesforce Employee - UHC Member. You'll also need to enter your policy ID number. This can be found on your Aetna or UHC insurance card. Your dependents should use the same policy ID number when scheduling.
7. Review your visit details and select submit to confirm your visit.
8. Upon submission, you'll receive a confirmation text and email.
Foodsmart app
1. Log in to the Foodsmart app and select Telenutrition from the main menu.
2. Tap schedule appointment.
3. Follow steps outlined from the section above starting with step 2.